The Problem with collecting WWF Hasbro Figures is that since they cancelled the toy line many new characters and personality's that should of been given a figure will never get that honer. But wait.... you can custom them! There is a whole community of dedicated people out there that go that extra step to create figures that have never been seen before, may it be a previous figure in a new attire or a completely new figure like the Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Now a few years ago i decided to have a go at doing this for myself to add some much loved wrestlers into my own WWF Hasbro line up, and here you can see my favourite top 16 of the figures that i made for fun. Now im not a professional so be nice, but my favourite wrestling era was Attitude, followed by the WWE WCW ECW invasion, so please bare in mind the costumes and personality's from that time.
I hope you like and remember it was a bit of fun!
First off we have a pretty easy one, L.O.D 2000, there wasn't really any 'making' of a figure with this one, they just needed a new paint job.
L.O.D 2000 - Number 16 - Image by @toyscavenger |
Next we have another pretty easy one, Hollywood Hogan had just become Hollywood Hulk Hogan again and to celebrate this i decided to give him a updated attire and a new beard design.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan - Number 15 - Image by @toyscavenger |
Here we have quite a simple one again, its the Hart Foundation which includes Jim Neidhart, Brett the Hitman Hart, and Owen Hart. All three of these already have a figure but a quick paint job, add a flag and there you have it. The Hart Foundation.
Hart Foundation - Number 14 - Image by @toyscavenger |
Now these two I am quite proud of, just before WCW was invading WWE these two were best pals and Teamed up a number of times, Scott Steiner Big Poppa Pump, and Buff Bagwell. If you give Jim Niedhart a shave, and a paint job you have a good template for Poppa Pump, even though Scott Steiner does have his own figure. Buff is a mix of Rick 'The Model' Martel, and Papa Shango.
Big Poppa Pump / Buff Bagwell - Number 13- Image by @toyscavenger |
For number 12 we have The Hardy Boyz Mat and Jeff, the reason i like this Tag Team is that both of the figures used have the ability to jump.
The Hardy Boyz - Number 12 - Image by @The Toy Scavenger |
I found it hard to create Ken Shamrock for my collection, a lot of people use Rick Martel but as i had already used him on various others (which you will see in a bit) i decided to go for a different approach. Here I used The British Bulldog to make The Worlds Most Dangerous Man'.
Ken Shamrock - Number 11 - Image by @toyscavenger |
When the NWO tried to recruit the WCW Sting he changed forever, this WCW WWF Hasbro custom is in honer of that change. By using a Scott Steiner figure i was able to create this great custom.
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Sting - Number 10 - @toyscavenger |
To follow on with the NWO Theme number 9 is my Hollywood Hogan in Black. This one really is just a paint job, but at the time of making this i really liked the boots and pants. Not the best but it was my first attempt of doing a custom so it holds a special place in my heart.
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Hollywood Hogan - Number 9 - Image by @toyscavenger |
On the lead up to Royal Rumble 1998 a mysterious eye and count down would be shown on the Titan-tron, At the time I had never herd of Taz but he came from ECW and with him brought his fans. This custom was a mix of Hulks legs, and Luke of the Bush -Whackers body and head with a cool paint job.
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Taz - Number 8 -Image by The Toy Scavenger |
Before APA there was The Acolytes, Farooq and Bradshaw, These two look pretty cool and were made with a paint job on both The Million Dollar Man and Virgil. I liked both these as they have the same actions so I could create the 'Clothesline from Hell'.
Farooq and Bradshaw - Number 5 -Image by Toyscavenger |
Number six is everyone's favourite Olympic hero Kurt Angle. You have got to remember he wasn't always bald! If I made this one now I would change his head but the body shows a good attire and I would maybe give him a slightly different paint job, but keep him very similar.
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Kurt Angle - Number 6 - @toyscavenger |
RVD, RVD, RVD, That is all.
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Rob Van Damm - Number 3 - Image by @Toyscavenger |
Now we have The classic Rock from the attitude Era. I actually used the Texas Tornado for this one and gave him a hair cut and a new paint job. I was particularly proud of this one as it was the first figure I attempted to change the hair on and I think it came out quite well.
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The Rock - Number 4 - Image by @ The Toy Scavenger |
'Self High Five', Being a fan of WCW in the 90s i loved Diamond Dallas Page and always thought he could make the transition from WCW to WWE /WWF, and i was right, This Sid Vicious figure lends the perfect shape, head, and action for DDP, the slam action can let you simulate his signature move.
Diamond Dallas Page - number 3 - Image by @Toyscavenger |
I liked this Undertaker as I actually made him from spare bits that I had left over from other
customs and was a bit of a happy accident. So he may not be the best looking custom, but from a design point using the spare pieces he turned out great.
The Undertaker - Number 2 -Image by @toyscavenger |
Well we are finally at Number one, and down to my favourite custom that I made. Chris Benoit, and just to Point out that this was way before the incident that shall not be mentioned. This is my favourite custom due to the fact that it actually looks him and was done without any moulds or new sculpting, it shows the power of a good paint job and creative thinking. To create this I used the head of Lex Luger and the body of Rick 'The Model' Martel. I also gave the body a slight different shade to match Benoits Skin tone.
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Chris Benoit - Number 1 - Image by @Toyscavenger |
Well there you have it, some of my favourite customs that I made back in the day, Which one is your favourite? have you got any customs you would like to share? comment below or get in touch.
unfortunately I don't own any of these any more, and they are scattered across the world. so if anybody has them let us know as we would love to here from you!
thanks for reading and we hope you liked this articular.
(All images are Owned by the toy Scavenger and subject to Copyright)
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