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130,000 pt Eldar vs. The Imperium Battle Report

On Saturday, Sept. 24th, the L.A. Games Workshop Battle Bunker and SoCal Apocalypse hosted a 130,000 point Apocalypse battle.  It was a blast and was very close in the end.

The Bunker has a loyal and dedicated group of Eldar players, and, combined with some newer Eldar players put together a team of 7 to take on the Imperial regulars who have played a few times together.  

The Imperial side was an even mix of IG and Marines (Blood Angels and Red Scorpions). The Eldar had 3 Phantom Titans and about 8 Revenants.  The Imperium had a Warlord Titan, 4 Reavers and 4 Warhounds.

Here are some photos from the Imperial side of things.

The Eldar team surveying Table # 1

Table # 2 Imperial Titans and Artillery

Table # 3 The Imperial artillery park

Table # 4, More Imperial artillery!

Eldar had first turn due to a roll off and the Imperium choosing to go second. The Eldar team wanted to use objective scoring out of the book, so objectives would only be counted at the end of the game.  This changed strategy, as usually going first is a benefit if you are using the modified objective rules.  But if you only count them at the end, then you want last licks to get to the objectives last.

The Bunker staff did a video battle report and I will get that up tomorrow.


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