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Empire of the Dead - arrives!

Well its been a while, but several weeks after placing my order, my Empire of the Dead stuff arrived. I ordered the Rule book and two factions; the Gentlemen adventurers and the Vampires, and I also got a bonus figure of Professor Erazmus.

There have been several reviews already on the web so I wont repeat them here, other than to say I am very pleased with initial look of the book and rules, and can't wait to give them a whirl and get the figures painted.

And of course start an odyssey of terrain making... Glad I ordered the Rendra Plastic Gravestones some months ago...

Things have been a little frantic here of late... With Call to Arms and the FoW tournament one week away, I've had a last minute army list choice panic, and rehashed the list several times over and start painting a new platoon thinking I was going to need them.... then changed my mind again and now don't need them, but they're now half done on the painting desk, so I may as well finish them off...

The VSF Prussians are very nearly done, and once I get CTA out of the way, I'll get them finished and have a look at opening these EOTD figure packs. Can't wait...

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