On a cold and lonely night, a bright light is seen streaking across the sky over a small village.
What the villages saw as a shooting star is, in actuality, an alien spacecraft. A group of alien hunters have come looking for slaves. The aliens are reptilians with psionic abilities and advanced tech. They have come for human slaves and will march toward the closest village and begin rounding up peasants.
The PCs just happen to be in the village on this fateful night, either locals or just spending the night during their travels.
Hss’Tak, the Leader: Armor 17 (dex +1, scales & chitin), Move 110 slither, 140 swim, 3 HD, 13hp, claws 1d8+1, Radio Pulse Pistol 1d10, 300’, 100 charges, Morale 9. Can breathe underwater, six-armed, wall crawling, rubber-boned (1/2 damage from blunt weapons). Psionics: Mind Control 2/day, Enlarge, Darkness, Ray of Enfeeblement 1/day each. Pistol, Datapad (spellbook), battle armor (see below)
Pythonis, the Big One: Armor 16 (scales & chitin), Move 110 slither, 140 swim, 3 HD, 22hp, +6 to hit, claws 1d8+1, Laser Bazooka 3d8, 3000’ range, 25 charges, Morale 9. Can breathe underwater, six-armed, wall crawling, rubber-boned (1/2 damage from blunt weapons). Psionics: Mind Blast 2/day. Bazooka, battle armor (see below)
Sslure, the Sneaky One: Armor 16 (scales & chitin), Move 110 slither, 140 swim, 3 HD, 14hp, claws 1d8+1, Radium Ray Gun 1d10, 300’ range, 100 charges, Morale 9. Can breathe underwater, six-armed, wall crawling, rubber-boned (1/2 damage from blunt weapons). Psionics: Telekinesis 2/day. Skills: Languages 5, Sneak Attack 2, Stealth 3, Tinkering 3. Pistol, battle armor (see below), sonic screwdriver (specialist’s tools)
Battle Armor
All of the Psi-Snakes are wearing Battle Armor. It is designed for their large snaky bodies and cannot be worn by anyone else.
Battle Armor: AC 19, anti-gravity 240’, +5 to hit/+11 to damage in melee, Force Field 30pts, can carry 900 lbs.
Mini-Missile 1d12, 1 mile 40’ radius. Web Launcher, 1 mile range, 40’ radius, save versus Paralyzation or be ensnared
Last Resort
If things start going badly for the Psi-Snakes, they will unleash their last resort, the Earwig. The Earwig is a giant mutated creature which the Psi-Snakes keep in an agitated state. It will be hungry, pissed, and out of control attacking anyone in the area, including its masters.
The Earwig: Armor 18 (scales & chitin), Move 130 slither, 130 swim, 5 HD, 23hp, bite 1d12, Morale 12. Huge, six-legged, wall crawler, ½ damage from cutting weapons.
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