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From Chris K: Last Gasp! 30 Archers, a Hero, an obective, a Jeep...and a Trap! (200 pts)

 Did it! - Just.

(Although Mrs K is a bit concerned at my lack of sleep the last couple of nights!)

With hearty, hearty thanks for the opportunity this challenge has provided, here's my claim for the last day - all 28mm:

  • 30 Dark Ages archers (Gripping Beast) for 150pts,
  • Sir Simon the Templar (a knightly hero, who would have been for a future challenge, had I more rigorously pursued that path - from Warlord Games) for 5pts, and 
  • Two resin objective markers (1st Corps), for my WW2 British Paras...and one of them has quite evidently run into...
        A TRAP!
  • ...so I'm claiming 20pts for the vehicle, 20pts for a TRAP! and 5pts for the para supply hamper, making a grand total claim of two hundred points.
The archers were all painted entirely with GW contrast paints; the Gripping Beast minis are really simple but still surprisingly characterful [please accept my apologies for the photos - I couldn't access my large light-box and some of these really didn't come out well]:

Sir Simon was completed as a gift, hence being unbased beyond the integral mossy stone pedestal. Again, painted with contrast:

And the Para objectives are marvellous. Painted in my usual way with Vallejo. The air recognition ID panels have been given a deliberate gloss varnish:
And there we leave it. 

Thank you so much, Curt and Team, for having me this year, and allowing me to participate on behalf of Wargames Soldiers and Strategy Magazine; I thoroughly look forward seeing you and all of your wonderful, wonderful painting efforts again next year!

Until then, TTFN,

- Chris K

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