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Renaissance Rampant rule adaptations

The Lion Rampant adaptation that Oli and I use for our wargames will be published in the June issue of Wargames Illustrated, WI 368.

We still continue to make tweaks to these as we play, generally to the army listings but the principle remains along the format that I write about in the article.

The article is accompanied by some photographs of my collection along with some from the Perry's as well as Wargames Foundry. The images were taken from my blog and help the narrative, I would of course have liked more but I can't complain at 8 pages ! I'm pleased with the way it turned out and hope it offers some inspiration for you to amend the rules for your own games or indeed use ours.

My desk is looking somewhat chaotic against my usual focus as I have 5 projects on the go so it'll be as much of a surprise to me as to which will be completed first. Suffice it to say that there are some particularly cool conversions coming up.

This year marks 10 years since I started painting again and working on the armies of 1513, at times it feels a bit idiosyncratic but there's no sign of any let up and to do what I'd like to do (at my pace) there's easily another decade in it, lots more units, scenarios and excellent terrain and building projects, it almost feels like an illness at times !

Well on that note, cheerio for now.



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