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Almost Here

Television this weekend! Oh, wait... damn it's all on the cable box and not on one of the broadcast channels I have access to. Ah well, Todd Haynes' five part miniseries adaptation of James M. Cain'Mildred Pierce begins Sunday on HBO and then on Monday's No ReservationsAnthony Bourdain does the Ozarks and hangs out with Daniel Woodrell. I haven't seen the episode, and am not sure what ended up on the cutting room floor, but let's just say, I hear it weren't a blood-less visit and leave it at that. Anyhow, I'm excited about Pierce over at Ransom Notes, though it looks like Megan Abbott has got some concerns about it, and her blog-mate Sara Gran has some about Reservations. How's that for balance?

I'm writing a short story about a southern preacher in the 1860s and it's beginning to feel more and more like a novel. It's a story I've been toying around with writing for like eight years, so I swear it pre-dates my exposure to Heath Lowrance's The Bastard Hand, (which I've just started reading). We'll see if I ever finish it... my story/novel that is, not Heath's book. 

Looking at late spring/early summer for a N@B event with Aaron Michael Morales and Frank Bill, so stay tuned for details on that. And speaking of N@B, I'm looking into the cost of printing and all as well as getting this whole thing compiled and I think it's a hell of a collection. Just this morning, Dennis Tafoya's piece was rattling around my subconscious, bothering me the way you know his stuff does. That's a good thing. And apparently his short stories get to other folks too. His How to Jail from Crime Factory was just nominated for a Spinetingler award and Paul Von Stoetzel's cameras are getting ready to roll on the short film adaptation of that story. Meanwhile Jordan Bloch's short adaptation of Scott Wolven's The Underdogs has been playing a few film fests and I'm looking forward to seeing that one when it's available. Both Tafoya and Wolven (and me!) will have stories in the upcoming Crime Factory anthology edited by Keith Rawson and Cameron Ashley and that thing should scorch the hair off your nuts. Dunno when to expect it other than some time this year.

And I haven't heard anything from Greg Bardsley, the big chief, regarding announcing a little project I've had a finger in, but I'd expect he's nearly ready to announce a preeeeettttty unique alt-history collection soon.

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