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Better News on the Egg Front

 The new Aldi ad has butter for $1.97/lb. I was hoping for this development! Wednesday, Tommy can go in and get some. I will have him check out the eggs, too. They are not on an ad, but maybe they are simply much cheaper. Plus, Anne confirmed the butter price and said eggs were $1.99. Anything but $6/18 eggs.

Tommy needed to get the form for filling out his taxes from the library. Hueytown library said they never got the forms, so he called Bessemer library and we drove there. Bessemer is very close, right up against Hueytown. He has been talking about getting the form and booklet for weeks. It was time. I suppose I know what he will be doing furiously for the next couple of days. 

The neighbor who mowed Tommy's yard and then paid for someone to mow his yard and Tommy's has moved. So, another neighbor mowed the yard today. He barely got in corners and did no weed eating, so I suppose this is the way it will be. I hate it! 

Okay, I must take a nap and go out again. 

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