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Bridal Shower

Last weekend, I hosted a baby shower...this weekend a bridal shower.

The way I see it, I had all my serving pieces pulled out, and the house spic and span, so why not?

My good friend's son is getting married to the absolutely sweetest girl. They have the definite look of love in their eyes.

We had a very similar set up as last week, but instead of a brunch, it was an afternoon tea. I had a friend helping this week. She brought several chalkboards to use. We added this sign since last week I fretted over everyone remembering to step down when placing their gift on the pool table.

The table minus the mini quiches which were set out right at the last minute.

Once their plate was filled, then into the kitchen for their drinks.

On the kitchen table, we had the cake. It was so cute. I didn't think of this myself, rather my daughter's workplace gave her a bridal shower last year and had this cake in gold with the dress looking much like her dress. 

Elise, the future bride is using green for her bridesmaids' dresses and yellow flowers.

We played a cute game. The future bride and groom answered a series of questions. My other hostess typed up their answers and tossed them into a basket. We each drew and tried to guess was it his or hers that the answer belonged to. It was sweet and the bride really enjoyed the answers.

Whose answer is it? His or Hers

Here is the bride to be with her mom and future mom-in-law.

Here she is opening presents.

We got the cutest hostess gifts. My friend, Betty knows me well. I have not met a plant I don't like.

I love bridal showers. Lots to look forward to. Two sweet young people in love, and they love the Lord which makes it even better. 

I hope to give an update with pictures of my new back deck...if it ever stops raining.

As for the next couple of months, I am focusing on family. Just being present with my family and getting my mama feeling good. Doctor appointment on Tuesday this week. 


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