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Vintage or just old!

This year my lovely hubby and I have been married 40 years!! So does that make us Vintage or just old? :-)

Yesterday with it being such a lovely day I washed the caravan bedding just to give it a nice fresh smell after it has been stored all winter. This morning I was ironing a couple of the pillowcases and it made me smile, the reason being they were bought as a wedding present for us and have been used many many times over the past 40 years.

They are getting a bit thin and bit faded but still plenty of life left in them, the douvet cover is long gone, pity! But that had lots of use until it just about fell to bits, I think these survived better because these were the top pillow-cases and we slept on the bottom pillows so they didnt get as much wear.  If I ever come across the matching douvet cover in a charity shop I will buy it just for old times sake.
So, after 40 years does that make them Vintage or just old?

Then I had another little smile....

The ironing board was also a wedding present!  Its had lots of new covers, in fact its ready for one now but underneath its still the same one! This has seen lots of service over the years.....and I HATE ironing, always have! 
So, after 40 years, is this Vintage or just old :-)

Do you have wedding presents that are still in use today and are they Vintage or just old? or are you very young and newly married? 

Whatever you are doing this weekend, have fun and take care.
Love Karen xxx

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