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Star Wars - Stormtroopers!

Star Wars Stormtroopers 

Yes, I've finally posted a Star Wars character! Many of you have emailed asking about SW stuff, and I always intended to get to it - Truth be told, I envisioned some grand event for the blog with a whole bunch of Star Wars characters and everything, but the idea was so daunting I kept putting it off and putting it off.

At this point though, I just decided (with free time being what it is) to stop stressing about it and just sprinkle in SW stuff where I can, the way I do with most everything else on the blog. Hopefully this is the first in a long list of SW guys I'll be able to share with you.

Anyway, I like Star Wars, but I'm not a real "nerd" for it, y'know? ...So, you guys can feel free to share your ideas and suggestions on SW stuff. Thanks for your patience, all!

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