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On one of those extremely hot days early last week, suddenly a cloud came up and while the sun was still shining brightly, that cloud opened up and poured down rain, right through the sunshine.

I said to Poppy, as we walked out on the porch to watch the rain, "I bet there is a pretty rainbow out there somewhere, but we would never see it, under all these trees".

But...to my surprise, the rainbow found it's way through the trees, right into our yard...

Such a strange sight, I could not believe my eyes! 

and speaking of strange sights, look who hitched a ride up to the garden, supposedly to help out...

adding all that extra weight to my work basket.
but that's okay. Smokey is my sweetie pie. I had to reach under him to pull my camera out. 

wasn't long before he moved to a more comfortable spot.

The flowers along the fence inside the teeny tiny garden are blooming and there are bees and butterflies and all sorts of strange bugs...

my favorite spot in the garden...

Poppy asks, "why do you take so many pictures of the same thing". 

"well, it's just hard to stop".
did you notice the long skinny wasp type bug on the sunflower leaf? 

Need to get busy. Poppy works today and you should see my "to do" list. Everything from mowing to mopping. Oh, one more thing...

We cleaned up dead fallen maple tree and when Poppy pushed over the stump...
he upset this little frog's home. Can you find him?
I mean, this little guy was living in a frog cafe, surrounded by all sorts of insects. We carefully placed an old shingle over the hole and left him alone. 

Hope to be back here soon.


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