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Yu Jing Invincible

My local wargames club (Elgin Wargamer Club) are taking a crack at Infinity this weekend so I needed to paint up a couple of extra models. So far only three other players have committed to buying their own forces (1 Nomad and 2 Ariadna), so I'm providing forces for everyone else.

I do like the look of the Yu Jing power armour so the Invincible seemed like a good option, high armour value and comes equipped with the devastating power of the boarding shotgun. The model also comes with a sword that is usually slung over the back, but I thought it made the piece look to 'fantasy' and less sci-fi, so I neglected to add it.

The model was primed with Vallejo Black Primer from an airbrush and then pre-shaded with a Tamiya Dark Grey from about a 45 degree angle. The armour was then base coated with GW Vomit Brown and highlighted with GW Bubonic Brown and additions of Vallejo Bleached Bone. Vallejo Beastly Brown was then thinned to a wash-like consistency and used to shade the model.

I still need to tidy up the areas with the green glows before I apply a matt varnish to protect the final paint work.

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