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More from Sitka

I had requests for more Sitka pictures...it really is
such a beautiful place.

I do not know Sarah Palin, but she is the type
of woman my husband wished he had!

This is the house that is tucked away in the trees
and it was not the house that drew us in but this
spectacular location. From the last post, it is
difficult to tell, but this property encompasses a
small peninsula, about 5 acres.

This is what drew me in...the stunning view
from the living room. It was not uncommon at
all to see commercial fishing boats so close you felt as
though you could throw a rock into the bow. I know
the whales thought this to be their "yard" to play in
and the sea lions were very vocal, especially when
the eagles were in the area! We were blessed beyond
measure to be in the middle of some of God's finest creation!

The view was so breathtaking. A wonderful place
to visit!

At the end point of the peninsula, we had
a great fire pit with custom built seats! There
was always a great breeze.

My husband tried to tell me I couldn't
manicure the woods. :>) I have my
"Alaska sneakers" on!

My sons playing in the frigid waters, on the
other side of the property from the house.
I couldn't stand to put my big toe in!

I am helping to gather wood for the tree fort.
We actually had warm weather this July day,
it was in the low 60's!

This is where the boys built the fort,
how much fun for these guys to have this
gorgeous setting to play in! I know they
didn't realize it at the time.

The cruise ships were a daily visit in the
summer time, sometimes as many as 5 ships
would be in "town" at once. My son Greg had a job
working for a kayak tour company and folks would
get off the ships and come ashore to kayak around the
neighboring islands. One of the funniest things asked
him while doing his job was how far above sea level
they were. They were standing on a pier and Greg said...
"oh about 10 feet!" Too funny.

All the pictures so far have been
nice and bright and clear, but that's the kind of
days one wants to take pictures! Here's the reality,
overcast, fog and rain most of the time.

The "boys" caught some nice sized
king salmon!

My girlfriend and I in our Alaska sneakers
on an island near Sitka....we definitely had
to watch out for bears! It's in the mid-50's here,
it's the summer time. We certainly were
not going to get that over sunned "weathered"

Yes, it does snow but not as much as you
would think. The kids really only got a
couple of "snow" days from school.

The Coast Guard is the reason we got to this
beautiful place in the US. My husband
flew search and rescue here and across
the states for over 25 years.

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